

How to Make a “Table Top Box” by Linda Phan


Now serving… awkward dinner conversations! They’re inevitable so you might as well get ahead of the game and put them in a pretty little box to help move the conversation along.
You might learn something new about each other!

What you need: 

Rectangular tea tin or similar box with lid

Old blank postcards you’ll never actually use (or any type of card stock. You can also reuse the back of thin cardboard Girl Guide cookie boxes. If you’re as guilty as I am, this will give you LOTS of material to use…)

Marker pen

A good arsenal of questions or topics

Scissors or Paper Trimmer


1. Take measurement of your tea tin or box

2. Measure and cut your cardstock to a ¼ inch smaller than that of your box.
(so if your tin is 5” L x 3” W x 3” H, then your cards should be 4 ¾“ L x 2 ¾“ H x 2 ¾“ H)

3. Once your cards are cut, write the topic or question on the blank side of each.

4. You now have your deck of table talk topics! Shuffle them up and place into box!

5. Feel free to label the box… or don’t  The first person who reaches for the curious box during dinner gets to start it off and ask the first question! Enjoy!

Blog and Art by Linda Phan of HGTV’s Property Brothers at Home: Drew’s Honeymoon House.

Meet Linda and her special guest, Annalee Belle at the Fort Lauderdale Home Design and Remodeling Show! Visit for details and to buy tickets. 

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