5 tips on how to get your house organized and keep it that way in 2023 from organizing expert Marina Radlinski, Palm Beach Organized
- MINDSET: think about how you want your house to look and feel once you are done organizing. Next make a plan how to get there. Write your goals and your plan down. Set realistic and actionable goals. For example, every morning after dropping the kids off at school organize for 30 minutes. Set a timer and do nothing else for these 30 minutes. Keep in mind that organizing can be messy and it usually gets worse before it gets better.
- PURGE: – purging is the first and most important step if you want a neat and organized home! Purge one category at the time. I recommend starting with your clothes and the master bedroom. Then work your way around your house tackling the living room, office or workspace, kids’ room, kitchen and last the garage and attic. For every item you touch ask yourself: Do I love it? Do I really need it? Would I buy it again today? Is the item in good condition? Did you wear or use it in the last year? If not toss, donate, or sell it. Make sure you drop off donations as soon as you can and don’t store them in your garage.
- ORGANIZE: Have a home for everything – return things to their home after using. For example, have hooks or cubbies in the mudroom designated for each kids backpack. When they get home from school, after taking the lunch box out they must hang their backpacks and not just toss them on the floor. In the playroom have labeled bins and baskets for toys and games – set up a system that is easy to maintain. Place a basket by the stairs and every time you go up or down return things that belong on another floor to their home.
- TIDY UP AS YOU GO: Make your bed first thing in the morning. It is a simply and fast task to start your day organized. Return water glasses or empty bottles to the kitchen and while you wait for your coffy empty the dishwasher. On your way out the door empty the trash or take the recycling out to the garage. When you enter your house place your shoes in their designated place. Empty your handbag and throw away trash like receipts, used tissues and candy wrappers. Trash junk mail immediately and place all other mail in one spot to go through later. When you go through your mail pay the bills and RSVP to invitations immediately. Put your clothes in the hamper or if you will wear them again hang them on a hook behind the door. Don’t drop them on a chair where they will pile up and make your room look messy. Hang your towels next to your shower – don’t leave them on the floor or counter. Place dishes in the dishwasher and wash pots and pans right after meals. Wipe down counters and sinks. Then run the dishwasher and tidy up things that are out of place before bed.
- KEEP IT ORGANIZED: Do not let clutter enter your home. Only buy what you need. Before buying something think about if you really need it and where it will go in your home. Always shop with a grocery list and plan your meals before you shop. This helps prevent food waste and leads to heathier eating habits.
Palm Beach Organized is a luxury home organizing and concierge moving service helping clients in south Florida get organized and stay organized for good with systems and storage solutions tailored to the needs of busy families.