Memorial Day
Weekend (May 27-30) marks the beginning of summer and the perfect
opportunity to begin your home improvement projects! The
Fort Lauderdale Home Design and Remodeling Show is designed to showcase
the newest products while offering consumers an opportunity to consult with
professionals about remodeling, renovation, interior design, landscaping, and

Sara Bendrick of DIY Network’s I Hate My Yard, and a
celebrity expert in small and large landscape projects presents: How to Plan
for Outdoor Living and When to DIY or Hire a Contractor. 2:00 and 4:00 pm,
Sunday and Monday;

TD Bank
presents Jason Cameron, host of DIY Network’s Desperate Landscapes and Man
Caves. Cameron will discuss How to
Turn Home Renovation Dreams Into Reality. 1:00 and 3:00 p.m., Saturday;

Bailey of Pretty Handy Girl
discusses DIY home improvement tips; and Rose
Béchard Butman (Natural Resource Specialist Broward County Environmental
Protection and Growth Management Department) presents, Designing a NatureScape;

Throughout the weekend, meet the Home Show’s
featured, South Florida Interior Designers. Ask questions and learn decorating
tips while relaxing in each designer’s stylish, room vignette created
exclusively for the Show. The four room vignettes are created by veteran Home
Show Designers, Viviana Galetto-Malave
of VGM Décorators, Inc. and Renan Rodriguez of RozuDesign Solutions. New to the Show are: Syllis
Cawker and José Pinto of SySy Interiors; and Roberta Black of RB Design;

Meet 15 established, South Florida artists who
present a curated exhibit of paintings, photography and sculpture in the “At
Home with Art” feature area: Lynda Sauls,
Steve Romero, Patricia Beltran, Shernett
Muhammad, Yvette Michele Booth, Aida Tejada, Josepo (Jose Pablo Ravinet),
Sandra Garcia Pardo, Phoenix Marks, Jen Walls, Brett Aiton, Cynthia Inklebarger, Carlos Gonzalez, Tatiana Cast, and Terry Arroyo

Local Chefs teach show-goers how to adapt
pro-tips and healthy recipes into the family meal routine: Robyn Almodovar, Paulette
Bilsky, Kesnel “Junior” Cinous, Jr.,
Anna Ishchenko, Alain Lemaire, James Lubin,
Patty Ruiz, Melanie Stewart, Ryan Sean
Vega, and Nicole Votano.

Visit more than once! We’ll be open at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 27th until 7:30
p.m. on Monday, May 30th
at the Broward
County Convention Center.
Save $3.00 on adult admission tickets purchased online
before May 26th at
(Fri) 4:00 – 9:30
pm; (Sat) 12:00 – 9:30 pm; (Sun) 12:00 – 9:30 pm; (Mon) 12:00 -7:30 pm.

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(Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr); FLHomeShow on Facebook; #SouthFloridaStyle.