

Exhibiting at a Trade Show: How to Write an Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a short, two- to three-sentence pitch to sell your product or business. A good elevator pitch will get people interested in what you do and give them enough information to help you stand out from the crowd.

When you’re in a crowded environment like the Home Design and Remodeling Show in Florida, your elevator pitch can help guests decide whether or not they want to learn more about your company.

Be Concise

Plan on writing a clear, concise 30-second elevator pitch. In a crowded showroom where hundreds of people are walking by, 30 seconds may be all you have to get their attention and draw them in. If your pitch goes on for too long they’re likely to spot somebody else that they want to interact with.

Say it in a Mirror…

Over and over and over again until you have it memorized forward and backward. You don’t have time to stumble over words, and you definitely don’t have time for “ums” and “likes.” Superfluous words need to be cut out to leave plenty of time for the stuff that matters.

Tell Them What You Do

While many other marketing avenues want you to share your company’s culture and story with potential customers to seem more personable, your elevator speech needs to be solely focused on what you do. This is the hook that gets them to dive deeper into your business.

They can take all the time they need to discover your company’s culture later on, but in the showroom they just need to know whether or not you can solve the problem they have. That’s not to say you shouldn’t be passionate about the delivery! Go back to the mirror and practice how to do an elevator pitch that shows you really care.

Focus on the Core

As you learn how to write an elevator pitch, start with a strong core. Create a unique sales proposition around which you can add or subtract minor details to fit your audience. This will make your elevator pitch flexible as you enter new environments or meet people from different walks of life.

The Home Design and Remodeling Show is a great place to put your elevator pitch to the test. With thousands of guests coming through our doors every year, we are always searching for great exhibitors who are ready to connect to buyers in the home improvement industry. Learn more about exhibiting with Home Shows here.

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